

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Take 5: Diabetes

Our diabetes expert answers five questions about lifestyle and blood sugar control.

If you’re one of the nearly 24 million Americans living with type 2 diabetes, you know your body has difficulty using or producing insulin. What can you do to manage the disease? We asked Jill Crandall, MD, professor of clinical medicine and director of the diabetes clinical trials unit at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City, to debunk some myths and help you learn to live well.

Your questions answered:
1. Does having type 2 diabetes mean you have to give up sugar completely? 
2. Is it better to eat frequently throughout the day? 
3. How do stress and sleep affect diabetes management? 
4. Why do I need to exercise?
5. Are there any promising treatments ahead for type 2 diabetes? 
Bonus Question: Is weight loss important if you have type 2 diabetes? Why?

Take 5: Diabetes | GoldenEraMart Health JunctionGoldenEraMart Health Junction

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