

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Diabetes and Dietary Supplements

Can dietary supplements really help control diabetes? If you are like many people with diabetes, you might wonder whether the ads you have seen or heard are true. Take a few minutes to learn how diabetes and dietary supplements can be a good mix — or a set-up for trouble.
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Alternative Treatments for Diabetes

Treatments for diabetes can include many elements. Conventional treatments in addition to complementary and alternative treatments are available.

A health treatment that is not classified as standard Western medical practice is referred to as complementary and alternative medicine. The category encompasses a variety of disciplines that include everything from diet and exercise to mental conditioning and lifestyle changes. Examples include acupuncture, guided imagery, chiropractic treatments, yoga, hypnosis, biofeedback, aromatherapy, relaxation, herbal remedies, massage, and many others.

Friday, August 17, 2012

5 Misconceptions About High Blood Pressure

Are you worried about high blood pressure in yourself, a family member, or a friend? Your concern is well-founded. If left untreated, high blood pressure -- also called hypertension -- can lead to a range of health problems, including heart disease and stroke. Knowing more about high blood pressure can help you prevent this condition from damaging your health, or the health of someone you love. You can start by learning what's true about this condition -- and what's not. Here are five common misconceptions about high blood pressure: Find them here:

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

How Diabetes Affects a Woman’s Sexual Health

Sex is good for diabetes. It’s good for the heart and circulation, helps sleep, and improves mood. So why are many women with diabetes not enjoying sex?

The reason, of course, is that although sex may be good for diabetes, having diabetes is not always good for sex. Nerve damage, or neuropathy, can make it difficult to have orgasms, and can cause vaginal dryness, making intercourse painful. Bruising from injections and fears about blood sugar plummeting can zap your self-confidence. And if you wear an insulin pump, where does it fit into intimacy?

As with most diabetes complications, high blood sugar levels are often the cause of sexual side effects, so keeping them under control is the No. 1 strategy. But even women with tight control of their blood sugars can face some sexual challenges. Here are some common problems and ways to conquer them.  

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