

Thursday, January 17, 2013

6 Ways Diet May Worsen Urinary Incontinence

While there is no formal“urinary incontinence diet,” what you eat and drink can worsen your incontinence symptoms — particularly if you have urge incontinence, also called overactive bladder. Most doctors advise people with urinary incontinence to avoid certain foods and drinks in their diets. But doctors also acknowledge that the same foods and beverages that bother one person may not bother another person at all. It’s important to personalize your urinary incontinence diet.

6 Ways Diet May Worsen Urinary Incontinence | GoldenEraMart Health Junction

1 comment:

  1. Incontinence issue for men and women are commonly occur when a person starting to get older. Our body including our bones and heart age getting more vulnerable according to what I have read from an article about l-arganine, there are several ways to slow down the pacing of aging of our heart and entire body through a good blood-flow proper diet. We must also include regular exercise but not too exhausting to maintain our bones and muscles toned.
